parallelpam 1.4.3 (2024-07-15)
- Change in a header to avoid new warning in C++20 due to the use of template in a constructor.
parallelpam 1.4.2 (2024-07-01)
- Added the inclusion of pthread.h in several .cpp files to prevent a compilation failure using LLVM that does not happen with gcc.
Thanks to Tomas Kalibera for his kind notice.
- Suppressed a line in silhouette.cpp that used a function from the class Rcpp::Language wich internally calls
funcion SET_TYPEOF which, according to the R sources (see src/include/Rinternals.h) shouldn't be in the API
and since June, 2023 seems to have been taken by the CRAN maintainers as a failure.
parallelpam 1.4.1
- Read/write to/from .csv or .tsv checked to avoid strange behaviours when .csv has no row and/or column names.
parallelpam 1.4 (2023-10-09)
- Added functions to read/write to/from .csv or .tsv file to create jmatrix files
- Added function to filter rows or columns by their names directly from jmatrix files to create a new jmatrix file
- Added possibility of reading symmetric matrices from .csv or .tsv files
parallelpam 1.3 (2023-06-23)
- Corrected errors in GetJRow and GetJCOl for symmetric matrices when indices are bigger than 65536
- Added the cosine and weighted-Euclidean distances
parallelpam 1.2
- Error in JMatInfo messages (it did not affect functionality)
- Error in reading of csv files with tabs (tsv) corrected
- Supression of file.remove in vignette at all times and replacement by files in temporary R directory
- Correction in the help of some functions.
parallelpam 1.1
- Function GetSubdiag rewritten to deal with cases of overflow (too big data). Vignette parallelpam modified accordingly.
- An item about comparison with other PAM implementations added to the end of the vignette.